Can Children Have Cataracts?
You have heard that cataracts can cause vision loss and blindness in the elderly, but can cataracts affect your child too? The answer may surprise you...
You have heard that cataracts can cause vision loss and blindness in the elderly, but can cataracts affect your child too? The answer may surprise you...
While there is no scientific proof that you can prevent cataracts, there are certainly steps you can take to help reduce your risk factors.
June is Cataract Awareness Month, and we’re here to help clear some of the fog surrounding cataracts.
Find out what UV light is, how it affects your eyes, who is at risk, and what you can do to protect yourself.
We are proud to share with all the employees and customers of Vision Source that we have been recognized with a World Sight Day Challenge Bronze! Our company feels proud for what we’ve done to help people in the developing world also have access to vision care services.
May is UV Awareness Month, and we’re here to shed some light on the best ways to protect your eyes for the summer.
"Don't forget your sunscreen!" is what many of us have heard or said numerous times. What eye doctors would love to start hearing is "Don't forget your sunglasses!" While 95% of the general population know that the sun's UV radiation can damage our skin, only 7% know that it can damage our eyes! Our eyes are continuously...
April is Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month. Did you know that more women than men suffer from visual impairments? Find out which eye diseases pose the highest risk and what you can do to lower your risk.