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4 Tips To Help Your Child Love His Glasses

December 4, 2014

Glasses will give your child a whole new view on the world, but they can also be a lot of responsibility! Here are some ideas to help your child LOVE wearing glasses.

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Your Healthy Vision Timeline: Ages 1–20

November 27, 2014

Because an estimated 80% of school learning is accomplished through eyesight, having healthy vision is particularly important for children. Sadly, one out of every four school-aged children has undiagnosed vision problems—and they may not even know it.

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Rubbing Your Eyes Can Do More Harm Than Good

November 20, 2014

The urge to rub your eyes is natural when you’re tired, or when they itch! However, think twice next time. Rubbing your eyes may provide temporary relief, but doing so can have harmful side effects.

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Low Vision May Lead to Depression

November 7, 2014

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of vision loss in adults over 50 years of age. Currently, millions of Americans have vision challenges due to advanced AMD.

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4 Makeup Tips For Women With Glasses

October 31, 2014

Today, glasses are sleek, cool and stylish. Although glasses are a great accessory, they do pose unique challenges when applying makeup. Here are a few tips for perfecting your glasses makeup routine.

Read More Author: Vision Source