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Knowing When It’s Time For New Frames

Eyeglasses don’t exactly age quite as well as wine and cheese. Wear-and-tear is guaranteed to take a toll on your frames. Vintage may be “in” right now, but know the signs that indicate that it’s probably time to consider new frames.

“How Do I Know When It’s Time?”

Of course, the #1 sign that you should consider new lenses and frames is if you’re noticing changes in your vision! How long has it been since you've updated your prescription? Most of the time such changes are so gradual that you don’t think about it until it becomes a problem. Visit with a Vision Source doctor and let’s check your vision and prescription.

Other signs that you shouldn’t ignore include:

  • Frames with stripped screws
  • Heavily scratched or worn-down lenses
  • Bent frames that just don’t quite fit
  • A loose fit that’s difficult to keep adjusted
  • Headaches more often than usual
  • Irritated skin at frame touch points

A Chance To Help Others Too

Having a “backup" pair of glasses is important in case your primary pair becomes temporarily lost or broken, but once you have that backup pair, do some good with your old glasses as suggested in this short video...

Reduce everyday stress with a new pair of glasses that fit you comfortably and correctly. No more worrying about them sliding off or breaking—or going through the day with a vision-related headache.

While You’re At It, Get Frames You Really Like!

Yes, the primary purpose for eyeglasses is to help you see better, but in addition, great-looking frames are fun to wear and boost your confidence. Our Vision Source practices are experts at recommending frames that both compliment your individual look and fit your lifestyle. We have lots of awesome choices for you to consider!

When It’s Time, We’re Here To Help

Does getting new glasses feel overwhelming? If so, let an experienced Vision Source professional help you. Find a practice near you using our search tool. 

Author Vision Source — Published December 19, 2014