John A. McCall, Jr. OD
AOA President, 1998
Dr. McCall graduated from the University of Houston College of Optometry in 1977 and practices with his father in Crockett, Texas, where he served as Mayor (1989-90). His honors include: Texas Young OD of the Year (1982), Texas OD of the year (1991), the UHCO’s Outstanding Alumni (1998), T.O.A. Distinguished Service Award (1999), and the UHCO’s Bill Pittman Leadership Award (2001). Dr. McCall is past president of the Texas Optometric Association (1988-89) and the American Optometric Association (1998-99). Dr. McCall currently serves as Secretary of the Medical Staff at East Texas Medical Center; is a member of the E.R. Review Committee and Senior Vice President, Vendor Relations, of Vision Source.
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