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Major differences between school-administered eye exams and comprehensive exams

KINGWOOD, TX (September 18, 2012) –With approximately 80% of what a child learns in school being presented visually, many children may not be getting a fair chance at learning if their vision is impaired. Although school-administered vision screenings are important, their evaluation is limited and differs from a comprehensive eye exam performed by an eye doctor. 

What will a comprehensive exam test for that a school exam won’t?• Visual acuity at near• Assessment of eye teaming• Eye focusing skills from near to far• Peripheral vision testing• Eye health

 "Vision screenings are valuable, but they cannot pick up many common eye conditions," says Jason Deviney, OD. "Most eye and vision problems are easily treatable if detected early enough with a thorough eye exam," he adds.  An overlooked vision problem may result in poor grades, behavioral issues and an overall disinterest in school. According to the American Optometric Association, undetected or untreated vision problems can produce some of the same signs and symptoms of ADHD causing the child to be misdiagnosed. Founded in 1991, Vision Source® is North America’s largest network of private practice optometrists with more than 2,700+ offices in the U.S. and Canada and consists of the most influential experts in the eye care industry. Through leveraging the network's collective power, Vision Source® is able to deliver practice and professional development tools, marketing expertise and services, and unsurpassed purchasing power. For more information, call 888-558-2020 or visit www.savisionsource.com. 

Posted On September 18, 2012