Amanda Green
General Counsel & Chief Administrative Officer
Before joining Vision Source®, I learned excellent litigation and dispute resolution skills at Chamberlain Hrdlicka and BakerHostetler in Houston, Texas. From the courtrooms and arbitration conference rooms, I leapt into the world of corporate in-house counsel where my journey toward accomplished legal generalist and HR professional took me through several industries, including business process outsourcing, oil field services, and retail.
Most people don’t know that I…
Tried out a Roller Derby Boot Camp a few years ago, and that I am looking for ways to get back into the sport.
The books that influenced me most are...
Option B, Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant
Rising Strong, Brené Brown
David and Goliath, Malcolm Gladwell
The Memoirs of Cleopatra and Mary, Called Magdalene, Margaret Brown
When not serving the members of Vision Source, I like to...
Tent camp and hike with family in various state parks, travel and cook. I also enjoy volunteering in the community and in support of my children’s school activities, so you might find me working as a swimming official or in a concession stand at a football game!.